BBGC Test Site

Boynton Beach Garden Club


Freedom Shores Elmentary School

2021-2022 School Year

In January of 2021, The BBGC received a grant from the mayor to work with the Freedom Shores Elementary School to establish a native garden. The club seized on this opportunity to extend our outreach from Poinciana School that had closed it’s garden because of covid to a new youth garden opportunity. The garden had some excellent native shrubs already but was lacking the plants that enhance the beauty of the space. In addition it was obvious that noone was taking care of the space. We put in a sprinkler system and the school garden club planted native butterfly plants to attract butterflies.

Over the summer the natural rainy season kept the garden watered and the plants did well. On my first visit in the fall, there were both atlas and zebra butterflies flying around.The garden club planted more butterfly weed and nectoring plants. The Freedom Shore School Garden Club is responsible for the daily care of this garden as well as a vegetable garden. They do a terrific job. The BBGC works with them on appropriate horticulture and general environmental issues.